How to Round a Number to 2 Decimal Places in JavaScript

How to Round a Number to 2 Decimal Places in JavaScript

A Comprehensive Guide to Efficiently Round a Number to 2 decimal places in JavaScript


17 min read


There are many ways to round a number to 2 Decimal Places in javascript. Also, you may have read a few articles on the internet discussing different approaches to do that.

But one thing that I have realized all of the articles has just talked about a few techniques of doing that but not much about the use case of it or things that we need to consider about it.

In this article, I will try to give you the full explanation of it not only discussing various techniques and methods that can be used to achieve the desired rounding effect but also shed light on the practical use cases and considerations associated with rounding. And we are taking two 2 decimal points it doesn't mean we will always use 2 decimal places it can be any number of decimal places depending on the specific use case and requirements of the application.

But, since we are talking about so many things it doesn't mean this will make things so complicated, not at all. I will make sure that we are getting the whole Idea and also keeping things very easy to understand at the same time.

So let's begin.

Why Do We Need to Round a Number?

Let's start our journey by answering the question that might appear in a person's mind when he will first hears the term "Round a Number to 2 Decimal Places".

And that is "Why do we need it?".

Why Do We Need to Round a Number?

This is a very important and at the same time very relevant question that needs to be answered.

To answer the question let's consider a practical scenario:

Suppose you have an application that tracks the temperature readings from different sensors. Each sensor provides temperature measurements with high precision, including values beyond two decimal places.

For example:

  • Sensor 1: 25.7689°C

  • Sensor 2: 26.1356°C

  • Sensor 3: 25.9241°C

To calculate the average temperature from these sensor readings, you add them up and divide them by the total number of sensors. The average temperature without rounding would be 25.9429°C.

However, displaying the average temperature with all the decimal places can be visually overwhelming and unnecessary for most users. It's more appropriate to round the average temperature to a desired level of precision, such as 2 decimal places, to provide a more concise and meaningful representation.

By rounding the average temperature to 2 decimal places, the displayed value becomes 25.94°C.

In this scenario rounding the number helps to simplify the temperature representation, making it easier to read and understand without sacrificing the overall accuracy significantly.

This is just a simple example, there are many scenarios where we will be in need of rounding the number to desired decimal places.

Different Ways to Round a Number

Rounding numbers in JavaScript can be achieved using various approaches.

Different Ways to Round a Number

Here are different ways to do that:

JavaScript toFixed Method

The first way that we will talk about is the toFixed() method. This is a built-in JavaScript function that allows you to round a number to a specific number of decimal places. It provides a convenient way to format and display numeric values precisely.

The toFixed() method is particularly useful when you need to ensure a consistent number of decimal places in your calculations, financial applications, or data representation.

Here's how you can use the toFixed() method to round numbers to 2 decimal places:

const number = 3.14159; 
const roundedNumber = number.toFixed(2); 
console.log(roundedNumber); // Output: "3.14"

In this method, you call the toFixed() method on a number and provide the desired number of decimal places as an argument. The method returns a string representation of the rounded number with the specified decimal places.

One key advantage of using toFixed() is that it automatically adds trailing zeros if necessary.

For example:

If you have the number 3, calling toFixed(2) will return 3.00, ensuring that the output always has the specified number of decimal places.

Note: It's important to note that the toFixed() method uses rounding rules, which means that if the next decimal place is 5 or greater, it rounds up the preceding digit.

For example:

if you have the number 3.145, calling toFixed(2) will round it to 3.15

Math.round() Method

The Math.round() function is another approach to round a number to the nearest integer. By combining it with some arithmetic operations, we can round a number to 2 decimal places.

Here's an example:

const number = 3.14159; 
const roundedNumber = Math.round(number * 100) / 100; 
console.log(roundedNumber); // Output: 3.14

In this example, we have multiplied the number by 100 to shift the decimal places to the right. Then, we have applied Math.round() to round the adjusted number to the nearest integer. Finally, we have divided the result by 100 to shift the decimal places back to the original position.

This way of rounding numbers is a little bit tricky but it can be useful in scenarios where more precise control over the rounding process is required, or when you want to avoid using the toFixed() method.

Math.floor() or Math.ceil()

If you want to round a number to 2 decimal places but always javascript round down or always round up, you can use the Math.floor() or Math.ceil() function, respectively.

Here are the examples:

const number = 3.14159;

// Rounding down
const roundedDown = Math.floor(number * 100) / 100;
console.log(roundedDown); // Output: 3.14

// Rounding up
const roundedUp = Math.ceil(number * 100) / 100;
console.log(roundedUp); // Output: 3.15

In the above example, we have used both Math.floor() and Math.ceil() functions to round the number to 2 decimal places.

Using Math.floor() ensures that the number is always rounded down to the nearest integer. In our example, we multiply the number by 100 to shift the decimal places to the right, apply Math.floor() to round it down to the nearest integer, and then divide it by 100 to shift the decimal places back.

On the other hand, Math.ceil() always rounds up to the nearest integer. Similarly, we multiply the number by 100, use Math.ceil() to round it up, and divide it by 100 to restore the original decimal places.

These methods are particularly useful when you have specific rounding rules to follow, such as in financial calculations or when dealing with quantities that cannot be fractional.

parseFloat() in combination with toPrecision()

Rounding a number to 2 decimal places can also be achieved by using parseFloat() in combination with the toPrecision() function. This method provides an alternative approach to obtaining the desired rounded value.

Here's an example:

const number = 3.14159; 
const roundedNumber = parseFloat(number.toPrecision(3));
console.log(roundedNumber); // Output: 3.14

In this approach, we utilize the toPrecision(3) function, which returns a string representation of the number with four significant digits. By specifying 3 as the argument, we ensure that the resulting string contains the necessary precision for rounding to 2 decimal places.

Next, we apply the parseFloat() function to the resulting string. This converts the string representation back into a number, effectively rounding it to 2 decimal places.

Using parseFloat() in combination with toPrecision() allows us to round the number to 2 decimal places without resorting to explicit multiplication or arithmetic operations. It provides a concise and straightforward approach to achieving the desired rounding effect.

Note: It's important to note that toPrecision() method works based on significant digits rather than a specific decimal place.

Therefore, it may yield slightly different results when dealing with numbers that have trailing zeros or non-zero digits after the second decimal place.

For Example:

let number = 0.3442; 
console.log(number.toPrecision(3)); // Output: 0.344

In this example you can see we are getting 0.344 as output where our expected result is 0.30

So, be carefull of this thing when choosing this approach.

Math.trunc() method

The Math.trunc() method, in combination with appropriate arithmetic operations, offers a concise solution for rounding numbers to 2 decimal places.

Let's explore the following example:

const number = 3.14159; 
const roundedNumber = Math.trunc(number / 0.01) * 0.01;
console.log(roundedNumber); // Output: 3.14

In this example, we begin by dividing the number by 0.01. This operation effectively shifts the decimal places two positions to the left.

By doing so, we convert the number to an integer value, discarding the decimal portion.

Next, we apply the Math.trunc() function to the result of the division. Math.trunc() returns the integer part of a number and discards any fractional digits.

This step ensures that we retain only the whole number part obtained from the previous division.

Finally, we multiply the truncated number by 0.01 This multiplication restores the original decimal places, effectively rounding the number to 2 decimal places.

Note: it's important to note that this method relies on integer manipulation and may not be suitable for all rounding scenarios.

Consider the specific requirements of your use case, such as handling negative numbers or ensuring consistent behavior with rounding rules, when selecting this approach.

Rounding with Bitwise Operators

So far, we have discussed 5 ways of rounding but all of these were using javascript built in methods. If you prefer a more customized approach, you can use Bitwise operators for doing that.

By using the bitwise OR operator (|) in combination with multiplication and division, you can effectively round the number.

Here's an example:

const number = 3.14159; 
const roundedNumber = (number * 100 | 0) / 100; 
console.log(roundedNumber); // Output: 3.14

In this example, we multiply the number by 100, effectively shifting the decimal places 2 positions to the right.

Then, we apply the bitwise OR operation (|) with 0. This bitwise operation converts the multiplied number to an integer by truncating the decimal portion.

Finally, we divide the truncated number by 100, shifting the decimal places back to their original position, resulting in a rounded number with two decimal places.

Note: it's important to note that bitwise operations are typically used for manipulating integer values and may not be as intuitive for rounding purposes.

While this method provides an alternative approach to rounding, it's crucial to consider the implications of using bitwise operators and the potential for unexpected behavior if applied incorrectly.

It's recommended to use bitwise rounding with caution and ensure it aligns with your specific requirements.

Things to Consider

At this point of this article, we have learned 6 ways of rounding a number. But there are a few important factors to consider When rounding a number.

Things to Consider when rounding a number

Because if you don't consider these things it may occur complications in your code sometimes. Also, there are different ways to round a number and every way of rounding has its own pros and cons. These considerations will help you to find out which one fits best for your specific use case.

Let's explore some key considerations to keep in mind:

Negative Numbers

When rounding numbers to two decimal places in JavaScript, it's important to consider how negative numbers should be handled.

Depending on your specific use case and desired outcome, you may need to decide whether negative numbers should be rounded away from zero (upwards) or towards zero (downwards). If you want to round negative numbers away from zero, you can use the Math.ceil() function. This function always rounds up to the nearest greater or equal integer. When applied to negative numbers, it rounds them toward positive infinity.

For example:

-3.14 would be rounded to -3.00

On the other hand, If you prefer to round negative numbers toward zero, you can use the Math.floor() function. This function always rounds down to the nearest lesser or equal integer. When applied to negative numbers, it rounds them toward negative infinity.

For example:

-3.14 would be rounded to -4.00

Consider the specific requirements of your application and the desired behavior for negative numbers and choose the rounding approach that best aligns with your use case.

Handling NaN and Infinity

When dealing with floating-point numbers in JavaScript, it's essential to handle special cases like NaN (Not a Number) and Infinity. These values can occur as a result of specific calculations or user input and can lead to unexpected results or errors if not properly handled.

Therefore, it's important to check for these special cases before performing any rounding operations.

Let's have a look at how can we handle these:

  • NaN Detection: Use the isNaN() function to check if a value is NaN. This function returns true if the value is NaN and false otherwise. By checking for NaN before rounding, you can handle this special case appropriately based on your application's requirements.

  • Infinity Detection: To detect Infinity, you can use the isFinite() function. This function returns true if the value is a finite number (including negative and positive values) and false if it is Infinity or NaN. Similar to NaN, it is important to handle Infinity separately to avoid any unexpected behavior during rounding.

By handling NaN and Infinity cases appropriately, you can prevent unexpected results or errors in your rounding logic. Implementing proper checks and error handling mechanisms will enhance the robustness and reliability of your code, ensuring that it can handle a wide range of input scenarios without encountering issues related to these special values.

Intermediate Calculations

When performing intermediate calculations before rounding numbers to 2 decimal places in JavaScript, you have two options to consider:

  • Rounding at Each Step: Rounding at each step involves rounding the intermediate result at every calculation step. This approach helps maintain accuracy throughout the calculations by minimizing rounding errors. It is particularly useful for complex calculations that involve multiple arithmetic operations.
    However, rounding at each step may increase computational overhead and potentially impact performance, especially when dealing with a large number of intermediate calculations.

  • Rounding at the End: Rounding at the end means performing the rounding operation after all the intermediate calculations are completed. This approach can be more efficient, especially for simpler calculations or cases where the rounding precision requirement is not critical at each intermediate step.
    By rounding at the end, you reduce the number of rounding operations performed and potentially improve performance.
    However, it's important to be aware that rounding errors may accumulate throughout the intermediate calculations, which can impact the final result.

The choice between rounding at each step or rounding at the end depends on the complexity of your calculations, the level of accuracy required, and the performance considerations of your specific use case.

It is recommended to conduct thorough testing and validation to determine which approach yields the desired accuracy and performance characteristics for your application.

By carefully considering the timing of rounding during intermediate calculations, you can strike a balance between accuracy and efficiency, ensuring that your rounded results are both precise and reliable.

Precision and Data Integrity

When rounding numbers in JavaScript, it's important to consider the precision and data integrity implications. Rounding introduces a level of imprecision, which can impact the accuracy of calculations and data analysis.

While rounding to two decimal places improves readability and is commonly used for display purposes, it's crucial to assess whether this level of precision is acceptable for your specific application.

Depending on the nature of your data and the requirements of your calculations, you may need higher precision to maintain data integrity.

To determine the right precision level:

  • Check Application Requirements: Different applications have different precision needs. Evaluate your specific requirements, such as financial data, scientific calculations, or statistical analysis.

  • Assess Calculation Accuracy: Complex calculations or intermediate steps may benefit from rounding at each stage, while simpler operations can be rounded at the end for efficiency.

  • Consider Data Sensitivity: Determine if small deviations are significant in your context. If precision is crucial for data analysis or decision-making, higher decimal places or alternative methods may be needed.

By considering these factors, you can choose the appropriate rounding method that meets your needs and maintains accuracy in your calculations.

Consistency and Communication

Maintaining consistency in rounding practices is of paramount importance to ensure accurate interpretation and avoid confusion in your application. When rounding numbers to two decimal places in JavaScript, it's crucial to establish clear and consistent rounding rules throughout your codebase. To maintain consistency, follow these guidelines:

  • Document Rounding Approach: Clearly document and communicate the rounding method and precision used in your JavaScript code. Share this information with developers, testers, and future maintainers so that everyone understands how rounding is handled.

  • Consider Context-Specific Rules: Be aware of any industry or domain-specific rules or regulations regarding rounding. Align your rounding approach with these guidelines, especially in areas such as finance or currency calculations.

  • Maintain Consistency Across the Application: Apply the same rounding method and precision consistently throughout your application. This ensures that the interpretation of rounded values remains uniform and avoids confusion caused by inconsistent rounding practices.

  • Update Documentation and Communicate Changes: Keep your rounding documentation up to date and communicate any changes or refinements to the rounding methodology. This ensures that all stakeholders are aware of the updates and can adjust their understanding accordingly.

By following these principles, you can establish a reliable and consistent rounding approach in your JavaScript code, promoting accuracy and clarity in the interpretation of rounded numbers.

Localization and Internationalization

When rounding numbers, it's essential to consider the localization and internationalization aspects. Rounding conventions can vary across different regions and languages, and it's important to be aware of specific rounding rules or cultural expectations that may apply to your target audience.

Localization and Internationalization

If your application supports multiple locales, it's crucial to ensure that the rounding behavior aligns with the conventions of the selected locale.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Regional Rounding Conventions: Different regions may have different ways of rounding numbers. It's important to understand the rounding practices in your target regions to ensure accuracy and cultural appropriateness.

  • Language and Presentation: Rounding can affect how numbers are presented in different languages. Pay attention to language-specific nuances and present rounded numbers in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.

  • Locale-specific Formatting: Follow the formatting conventions of the selected locale when displaying rounded numbers, including decimal and thousand separators, currency symbols, and other numeric representations.

  • Localization Libraries and APIs: Use localization libraries and APIs in JavaScript to handle localized rounding and number formatting. These tools simplify the implementation of localized rounding based on specific locales.

  • User Preferences: Consider allowing users to customize the rounding behavior to meet their preferences, as some users may have specific rounding requirements based on their cultural or professional context.

By considering localization and internationalization aspects in rounding numbers, you ensure that your application respects cultural conventions, meets user expectations, and provides a seamless experience for users from different regions and languages. Adapting rounding behavior and number presentation to the specific locale creates a more inclusive and user friendly application.

Testing and Validation

Testing and validating your rounding implementation is crucial to ensure that it performs as expected in various scenarios. By conducting thorough tests, including edge cases and boundary values, you can verify the accuracy and consistency of the rounding results.

Testing and Validation

Consider the following points when testing and validating your rounding implementation:

  • Test Coverage: Design test cases that cover a wide range of input values, including both positive and negative numbers. Test scenarios that involve rounding up, rounding down, and rounding to the nearest value. Include edge cases such as numbers close to the rounding thresholds and extreme values to ensure your implementation handles them correctly.

  • Consistency Checks: Validate that the rounding results are consistent across multiple rounds of testing. Run the same set of tests multiple times to ensure the output remains the same. This helps identify any non-deterministic behavior or inconsistencies in the rounding process.

  • Boundary Values: Pay special attention to test cases involving boundary values. These are values that are close to the rounding thresholds, such as numbers ending in .005 or .995.
    Verify that the rounding behavior aligns with your desired outcome and adheres to the rounding rules you've defined.

  • Comparison to Expected Results: For each test case, compare the rounding results to the expected outcomes. This can be done manually or through automated assertions.
    Ensure that the rounded values match your expectations, considering factors such as the rounding method, precision, and specific rounding rules.

  • Automated Testing: Implement automated tests using testing frameworks or libraries available in JavaScript. Automated tests can be run repeatedly and integrated into your development workflow, providing efficient and consistent validation of your rounding implementation.
    Consider writing unit tests, integration tests, or even end-to-end tests that cover rounding scenarios across different parts of your application.

  • Validation with Real World Data: If possible, validate your rounding implementation using real-world data or datasets representative of your application's usage. This can help identify any issues or unexpected behavior that may arise when dealing with actual data.

  • Performance Considerations: Assess the performance impact of your rounding implementation, especially if it's applied to a large number of data points or performed in computationally intensive calculations.
    Measure the execution time and resource consumption to ensure that the rounding process is efficient and does not introduce significant bottlenecks in your application.

By following these testing practices, you can ensure the accuracy, consistency, and performance of your rounding implementation, giving you confidence in its reliability and suitability for your application.


Rounding numbers to desired decimal places is a common requirement in JavaScript, and having control over precision is essential for accurate calculations and data representation.

In this blog post, we've explored 6 different ways to do that. Each way of rounding offers a way to achieve the desired rounding effect. Depending on your specific use case, you can choose the method that best suits your needs.

Remember to practice and experiment with these techniques to deepen your understanding and proficiency. With experience, you'll unlock their full potential and discover even more creative ways to enhance the functionality of your JavaScript applications. Keep exploring and refining your skills to become a more adept JavaScript developer.

Happy coding :)